Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is David Beames; I work with the MGL probate broker, a financial management consultant firm in England. Our brokerage aims to find the best deal for families who need to arrange processing of WILL and we work in conjunction with the police Missing Persons Bureau in forty-six countries.
We are conducting a standard process investigation involving HSBC client who name you a contingent beneficiary.
The essence of this communication with you is to request that you provide us information on two issues:
1-Are you aware of any relative/relation/ friend having the same surname that lives in Australia? ------------------------ (Yes or No)
2-Are you aware of any investment of considerable value made by such a person at the HSBC Bank? ------------------------ (Yes or No)
It is pertinent that you inform us ASAP whether or not you are familiar with this personality that we may put an end to this investigation with you and our inquiries surrounding this personality.
You must appreciate that we are constrained from providing you with more detailed information at this point. PLEASE RESPOND BACK TO MY PRIVATE AND DIRECT EMAIL ADDRESS; D.BEAMES@AOL.COM to afford us the opportunity to close this investigation.
Thank you for accommodating our enquiry.
Yours sincerely,
David Beames
MGL probate broker
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