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martedì 31 gennaio 2012

60 macaque monkeys will be shipped on AirFrance

Dear Air France-KLM Cargo representative,

I'm writing to you today to express my disappointment and displeasure at
the fact that your company continues to transport animals to laboratories,
despite overwhelming public and scientific opinion that animal
experimentation is both unacceptable and unnecessary.

On february 1st 60 macaque monkeys will be shipped on AirFrance-KLM cargo
planes from Mauritius to the notorious american lab Shin Nippon Biomedical
Laboratories. I ask you to stop this shipment and rethink your company's
policy on the transport of lab animals.

Animals in laboratories endure extreme suffering in cruel and
scientifically pointless experiments, including being forced to inhale
noxious gasses, being force-fed chemicals and injected with poisons,
before being left to suffer and die with minimal care or consideration for
their needs.

I ask that you use your influence within Air France-KLM to stop the feb.
1st shipment of 60 macaque monkeys from Mauritius to the Us and bring your
company in line with the majority of air cargo transporters who refuse to
transport animals destined for the vivisection industry.

Paolo D'Arpini - Circolo vegetariano VV.TT.

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