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martedì 9 ottobre 2007

Database Aziende -40%


Se hai pochi ordini e la concorrenza comincia a superarti, i nostri prodotti ti saranno di aiuto!
Vuoi aumentare le vendite dopo le vacanze? Pianifica già oggi una campagna pubblicitaria.   

Abbiamo il piacere di informarVi della promozione speciale.  

Solo fino alla fine della giornata di oggi tutti i nostri prodotti sono disponibili con uno sconto del 40% !

Per poter usufruire dello sconto, nel momento dell'ordine occorre digitare il codice speciale:


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Maggiori informazioni:

Se non desiderate ricevere più messaggi dalla nostra azienda, clicca sul link qui sotto e annullare l'iscrizione:

giovedì 24 maggio 2007

Re: Consideration.

This Offer May Interest You!

My Name is Mr Leonard Jones,an Audit Manager with SG Hambros Bank located in the Central London and would like to present a Business Proposal for your consideration.I have a None-Resident US Dollar Account placed under my Portfolio as the Bank Officer attached to the Account with a closing balance of US$65,000,000.00 .

This Account in question has not been operated by the Foreign Beneficiary for a period of 12 years till date. All my efforts to locate the Beneficiary in his Oversees Address prove abortive. Therefore, I am set to find a Partner to claim the funds with a sharing ratio of 50:50.
I do hereby anticipate your calls as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Mr Leonard Jones,
Audit and Accounting Officer
SG Hambros Bank.London.

lunedì 1 gennaio 2007

4 Clues to Profitable Insider Trading

The price went down and readers can use this opportunity by procureing V
N_D_B at the great low price! Yesterday our readers profited 60% on V N_D_B
in just one trading day, tomorrow you can get +40% price rise. The news
are: V N_D_B welcomes new CEO Mr. Kyungsoo Oh, regarded as a recognized
leading expert it the field with publications, patents and awards!!!

Trading Date: August 1
Sym: V N_D_B
Buy it at: $0.06
Target Price: .50

The results are what count, V N_D_B plans for something HUGE in a day or
two, make an investment this Wednesday and tons of 40% $$$$.