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giovedì 24 maggio 2007

Re: Consideration.

This Offer May Interest You!

My Name is Mr Leonard Jones,an Audit Manager with SG Hambros Bank located in the Central London and would like to present a Business Proposal for your consideration.I have a None-Resident US Dollar Account placed under my Portfolio as the Bank Officer attached to the Account with a closing balance of US$65,000,000.00 .

This Account in question has not been operated by the Foreign Beneficiary for a period of 12 years till date. All my efforts to locate the Beneficiary in his Oversees Address prove abortive. Therefore, I am set to find a Partner to claim the funds with a sharing ratio of 50:50.
I do hereby anticipate your calls as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Mr Leonard Jones,
Audit and Accounting Officer
SG Hambros Bank.London.