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ONORE A Giosuè Carducci.

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sabato 9 febbraio 2013

News out this morning, it is one of our best picks

In Gold Purchasing, Leave the Metal and Focus on Stocks. Stocks of
big companies dropped behind the value of physical gold less than
the valuation of gold reserves. The difference is the biggest ever
known, analysts say. From: WSJ

Date: Feb, 11
Symbol to buy: G_G S_M
At this time: $0.05
4-Day Target: 0.20

G_G S_M geological reported on the JV affair about 251000 ounces of
gold. If gold to fall to $1400 per oz, it could be worth above
$380'000'000 million to G_G S_M! Manufacturing price for G_G S_M at
$722 per oz, above $202 million in gross income. Ghana is recognized
for multi-party democracy. Ghana continues to sustain in its
democratic principles. It has big national economic gains and the
country is established as 1 of the most politically established in
Africa! Strong Management: Martin Hall is a renown, well reputable
and respected global businessman. Beginning February, 11th - GRAB
G_G S_M up to $0.19!!!

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