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martedì 21 giugno 2011

Waiting your most urgent reply

We refer to our mail to you last year dated Monday September 20th 2010
and to inform you that Mrs. Susan Baker was arrested since last
year, because she was unable to provide a good evidence
to make us believe she was your secretary. Our investigations also
reveal that you did not send her to come and receive your payment, our
investigation also reveal that the Bank Account she presented to us did
not belong to you, Mrs. Susan Baker intention was to steal your payment
but she did not succeed because God was on your side.

Skye Bank have decided to pay you $1,250,000 which is part of your
payment deposited with them, this $1,250,000 have been downloaded to an ATM
Card which is now ready for delivery to you without any further delay.
The ATM Card will be dispatched to you today therefore you are hereby advice to
re-confirm your Full delivery Address in which you will be able to receive
the package containing the ATM card, and also indicating your full name and
direct telephone number immediately the ATM Card arrives your country.

You are hereby advice to send your full delivery Address immediately
you receive this mail, because all is set to dispatch the ATM Card to you
today. Note as soon as the ATM Card is Dispatch to you today, we will issue
you the Tracking Number to help you follow the destination of the package so that
you will know the exact date and time it will arrive Country. We wait to hear from
you as this is the only opportunity you now have to receive your long awaited payment.

Waiting your most urgent reply.


George Melvin
Skye Bank Plc,
Victoria Island Lagos Nigeria

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