
b8ikm4rfv.vistakey4.social@blogger.com I h+ave never *told anyon_e about the -fact that +this exc*ellent anti_biotic actuall,y saved m.y life _once. Lear.n more ,about asthma a-ttacks and why- *early treatmen,t is import+ant to pre_vent asthma!- Here are* the m-ost common' causes of 'obesity: gen,etics, ill.ness, *psychology and *lifestyle+ habits. An e'stimate'd 97 milli'on Amer+icans suffer _- 59 million a_r+e overweight & 38_ mi+llion are obese.+ Sometim_es it 'is very hard to_ tell whe+n an ill_ness is caused b_y a vira-l or _bacterial infe.ction. All*ergy .treatment op+tions vary from- person to .a per_son. We. are proud to of,fer you a n*ew drug! S,eriously ba'd food alle_rg+ies are fairly ,uncommon -- 'le'ss than 4 per-cent of, adults have them-. Even .best medicat,ions- and innovati*ve surgery m.ay be ineffect'ive in ob*esity tre-atment.* Remember! +We ar-e waiting for you. to try *our brand new- im,potence treat,ment! You're +welc.ome! Proper use o,f antibi+otics ,can stop infec.tion a'nd save lives,' but 'you should be ve*ry careful! +Exa'mples of -allergens that may_ trigger+ asthma are' poll'ens, molds, a,nimal dander* & dust mi.tes. It',s a w'ell-known fac*t that older 'adults* who suffer ,from ast+hma have poore-r lung f.unction. Ap*proximate_ly 3 million' children u,nde'r age 18 years+ were rep,orted to have' a foo_d allergy. Go,sh! How do .I learn tha_t s*pring has com'e? My nose +start's running and my+ eyes itc_h. It's _allergy! Childr-en *fed solid- foods too early -are likely +to d_evelop +both respirat,ory and fo*od allerg_ies. Superb disc*ount+s for asth*ma medication*s! Hurry 'up to -try a new treatmen_t f.or your a'sthma! You'll* never g.et addicted ,to a pai'nkiller if *you consult 'with your doct*or a+nd follow instr+uctio'ns. Expen'sive & re-volutionary al'lergy treatme*nt! O*ur regular cus,tomers -have to pa'y only 70%. Be,tween -35 and 5+0 percent of +men with diabe*tes. experience e+rectile dysf*unction. Take* good ca,re! In .some cases, er*ectile +dysfunction m-ay be an. early signa'l .of heart or b.lood vessel 'diseas'e. Does the dur*atio-n of your sex_ depend on' the l.ength of y.our penis? Let's .find it out,! Abou-t three ,out of f_our children w+ith asthma -in the USA co,ntinue+ to have sympt*oms as ,adults. S-cientists' have f*ound that some foo-ds, (as fish & wa*lnuts). can help control *your chole-sterol. The' more r-isk factors _yo+u have, the greater_ y.our chance of deve,loping+ coronary _heart_ disease. Sever,e alle_rgens require +severe m*easures! We* offer you .to try our i-nno-vative allergy trea't_ment. Not all aller+gy treatme+nt option.s are trust+ed and- popu,lar! And sure n*ot all of t'hem ,are effective. *Stomach upset,+ 'nausea, an,d diarrhea are the. most c'ommon side e*ffec'ts of anti_biotic treat+ment. In most c*as*es, effective .antibiotics _either kill .bacteria .or caus'e them to ceas_e in- growth. Obe_sity co-nsequences can a+ffect your _health- condition the _w,ay you don't e+ven imagi-ne. Beware.! There're +many effect.ive pain+killers for a*ll pai-n types & the.re's no re_ason to .suffer unnec-essarily.* I don't think .th*is amazing medicat,ion bring_s anyth.ing but' high poten_cy to my husban,d! I know e_ve-rything a_bout world most pop-ular_ medications for- impotence, treatment+! -Antibiotic-resi,stant+ bacteria c,an cause i-nfections* and can be s,pread t.o others in your .family. Ev_en wei_ght los,ses as smal_l as 10 percent _of body w_eight can en'sur_e that you neve.r get o+bese! Listen,, 10.7 million, *or 1 in 5 adults+ in o'ur country, ha-s cholester*ol levels. above+ 200 mg/dL. Antib_iot_ics only work 'against f*ighting inf.ecti.ons caused by *bacteri.a, but no*t viral inf_ections. Does str_ess trigge+r asthma?* Stress is a- com.mon asthma tr+igger, cau+sing yo_u to feel *anxious. People ,no+wadays search more' for pai.nkiller* rehab cente.rs th.an other *drug or alcohol r*ehab's. The be_st time to ta,ke an an-tihistamine', which blocks al*le-rgic reacti.ons, is before th.e atta_ck. Over t'he past 2'0 years, ,the number o*f overweight c,hil'dren has .increased 'by more than 50 %'. Obes.ity thi's short worl+d scar+es people *allover the wor*ld to d.eath. Tho_se people who* unders,tand! Instead of* turning. to surgery .to tre+at your e_rectile dysfun.ction, w+hy no*t give natur-al therapy a try?* The epi*demic+ proportions o-f obe*sity in th+e United S.tates should+ make you thin*k about your_ ,weight. Overu-se of to.bacco, alc'ohol and drugs oft'en ser.ve as maj-or causes of er-e'ctile dysfuncti,on. Getti+ng slimmer has _be,come the only -goal in the +life of my_ daug_hter and I am re,ady- to help her i+n it! Pist+achio *nuts reduce t*he risk of h-eart dis,ease,by dec.reasing chol'ester+ol level_s, a study s,ays. Have* you heard t*hat chocola,te can hel,p stop ,severe asthma, attack? I wi+tnesse-d it working!!! .With_ all of- the stori*es of food allerg,ies* swirling around _in the pr.ess, you sh,ould know _the truth.- Some, studies show +that breas,tfeed'ing decreases_ the chances, for* a child to- develop food a+llergies*.... If you are. .overweight, y+ou may h+ave inherit,ed it, because* it has a -stro*ng genetic compone*nt. _We provide+ our customers on_ly with .effecti,ve and safe 'medica.tions, you do'n't have to +worry! Y_ou may *be given other 'medicine+s| suc-h as anti-epile+ptic drugs' to t-ake with your' painkiller's. Have you s.uffere*d with ast'hma for a whil.e? Le'arn more abo-ut this b.reathing pr.oblem. Ant-ibiotics d+o their job o'n bacte+rial infect.ions like- strep throa't, ear in'fectio+ns and so* on. Some ,allergies are se'asonal, s-uch a's an allergy to r-agw'eed pollen. They 'di,sappear for *a while. Depre*ssion, bore.dom and othe_r, reasons often for'ce peopl*e to o_vereat and there.fore ,gain weight!+ How to f.ind out. how many calo.ries y+ou need to take' in daily 'to lo,se weight? The +answer is h'ere! Read -about most c,ommon+ breathing' problem that .af-fects adults, _teens, and_ kids -alike. An estima_ted 14' million of-fice visits t_o healt'h care providers* were* due to+ allergic rhin-itis. Ever_y man w*ants to hav_e ultimat.e sexual p*ower as long. as poss+ible. But life is' tricky! M'en wi+thout identit.y a_nd a sense o'f purpose +often develop ser.io.us masculi*ne health pr*oblems. Men ha've le.ss chance* to build a relati*onship -with th'eir docto*r or nurse as +they, never visit them,. Hay feve'r suff+erers should- wash hair -at n-ight to remov-e any pollen and* kee.p away from bed_. _Can you imagi,ne your.self living- long-long_ life without, a hint_ of sex? It''s impossible! A'bsolutely n'ew edge o+f breathta,king 'sex is open f.or you wi+th the hel,p of our br.and new_ drug! Teenag,ers often+ use painki+llers to_ get h_igh, to party, to e+scape r+eality_ or to re'lieve boredom.. Young ,girls who_ stare at models, fr_om magazine-s feel the+mselves defective _and e+at too m,uch then. Ab_solutely new ed'ge of b+reathtaking s.ex is o'pen +for you with the he*lp of_ our brand _new drug! Bein-g ov'erweight is* a risk fact+or for heart, disea.se. It also ten,ds- to increase your ,chole_sterol. -Our top-qua,lity inha'lers have al-ready saved _lives- of many pe.ople sufferi'ng from asthma*. If the *man's healt+h is no.rmal, er_ections +should be+ automatic, my ex_-wife used 'to te.ll me. Rubbi'sh! About 3 % 'of Ame*ricans, o*r 6.8 mi,llion, we,re morbidly _obese in 2005, *accordi'ng to stat.istics. Absol,utely n+ew med.ication for effect*ive i+ndoor and o,utdoor all,ergy s_ymptoms trea_tment! Bre*athing in ciga_rett'e smoke can cause 'an atta-ck in asth'matic pe-ople. Get ready. to st_ruggle! 'My husband- has never be.en t*hat active in be+d! I ha-ve sex as ofte+n as I alw.ays wan,ted! Fi_ghting obes.ity remember+, that+ loosing weight to*o quick+ly is _no good! *Don't get too. keen. Ma*naging high +cholesterol isn,'t +a simple do-it,-yourself pr+ojec.t. You n_eed profes_sional hel,p! Become .one of tho-se happy men who so.lved thei*r problems -with pote.nc'y easily! The, rate of obesi.ty differs _fr-om state to s+tate, which is p,robabl,y a reflec.tion of v*arious factors.- Obe_sity this shor*t world sc.ares, people allover ,the 'world to d-eath. Those peo,ple +who unders_tand! One in 7. men who be+come- unemploye+d will dev.elop depres'sion & i*mpotence within 6 .months. If 'you ha.ve oth-er risk factors -as ,well as high ch-olesterol, th+is risk inc+r-eases even more_. The bad new*s is that .antibi,otics can'*t distingui+sh between t,he "g+ood" and th.e "bad" bacter'ia.+ The more ris_k factors y+ou have, th,e greater' your chance .of developi,ng coronar_y hea-rt diseas-e. Antibiotics wi'll -not cure vi.ral illness,es, suc-h as: cold, stomac_h f.lu and some ear i-nfect'ions! Childhoo-d obesity+ is as-sociated w*ith high cha_nce of p*remature _death & disa'bility in ,adultho_od. Low calorie_ diet *can provide rap,id weight l*oss over. a short p,eriod of ti.me. Do y+ou beli.eve it, man'? Choles.terol risk f.actor i-s a condition that' increa_ses your+ chance of g_etting a+ heart disease+. Ob+esity caus_es signif*icant healt+h problem*s. What would yo-u choose: ice' c'ream or health?- A list of so'me "usef-ul foods." have shown .to make -a big. impact on you*r chole*sterol l.evels. According t*o the Na+tiona.l Audit Offi+ce, being o.bese can t'ake up to ni'ne yea_rs off your life+spa*n. If your pa-in imp*roves, you can s'ometime.s be prescrib-ed a mi'lder pain-killer t'han you take. Does, the du_ration of y*our sex d,epend on th_e length of- your. penis? Let's *find+ it out! Over the p.ast 20 yea+rs, t,he number ,of overweight c'hildren ha-s increas.ed by, more than 5_0 %. I+f you are _not satisfied ,with your weig.ht remembe*r, t-here're m,any succes,sful ways to t-reat o'besity! Somet*imes, a*ntibiotics+ destroy the+ good b+acteria t-hat you need to* aid in di_gesti*on. Watch ou*t! About 33.3 per_c*ent of American m.en and abo*ut 35.3 perc'e'nt of American -women are .obese. ,The more y.ou know about. your med_ication before ,t_aking it the better. fo+r you! Beli.eve me! Mo'st men *experience erect,ile d'ysfunction +at one time or an.oth+er. So you are+ not, alone, dude! A_ntibiotics on+ly work a.gainst f*ighting infect-ions caus_ed by ,bacteria, ,but not viral .infectio'ns. Skin +contact w-ith dust, mite allergen, c,erta.in foods or late+x* may trigger sy.mptoms o.f skin allerg+y. Remember. that+ excessive *and inappr*opriate ant+ibiotic -use can lead to a+ntibio'tic resistance,. I_t's not only yo*ur bo,dy that suffe,rs from_ pain but your ne_rvous syst+em+ as well. Thi*nk twice!- The mai-n difference *of this' impotence treatme.nt is *that it rea*lly wor+ks! See yo'urself! If +obesity came_ to your life', it's_ time _to review your -typical ea-ting and drin*kin,g habits! S+tart now*! Listen, 107 mil.lion, or+ 1 i*n 5 adults in o'ur coun*try, has chole.stero'l levels above '200 mg./dL. Obesity's +probab_ly the on-ly disease that *can b_e caused by n*egative emot'ions on.ly. B+e very careful! 20* million ch*ildren un.der. the age o*f 5 years have -been recorded- overweigh't globall.y in 20*05. G'enerally, pai+nkillers are ca*tegorize,d in,to two groups: +non-narcotic 'and narcoti_c. Be care*ful_! Impotence sho_uld have n.ever, occurred *in your be+droom. Learn what* to do if i-t did o*ccur. High 'blood pres+sure can -be c+aused by being o.bese and' overw'eight. Think abou+t your+ health'! Popular ch'olesterol-loweri+ng, drugs call-ed statins ma+y slightly r-aise the ri'sk of ty,pe 2 diabet'es More* women over' 45 have .high cholestero,l than_ men. It is -a good r-eason +to take care no+w! Re+cognizing the*se signs, you ca-n s'top an asthm*a attack or- prevent. one from get_ting w_orse. Learn _more about me+n's mo_st trusted m-ethod-s of struggling w.ith im.potence *now! Accurate dos,age and doc+t+or's supervision *is v_ital in p,ain management! Ac*t res,ponsibly! Lo*ss of erection- is r.eversib_le; one can usu*ally. return to -a previous le*vel of ar.ousal in some* time. Th*e lif*e expectancy for mi+ld asthmat-ics is *the sam_e as for those 'wh*o do not have as-thma. As so'me diseases -progre_ss, t.he disease will im'pact the_ functi*on of muscular_ stru+ctures of. the penis. In so-me ca,ses, erectile _dysfunction ,may be .an e,arly signal of h_eart or blood_ vesse,l dis,ease. The trut-h is, of+ all the adu.lts livi_ng in the US al'most one th'ird. are obese!' Can you imagi-ne? Pacifi+c men and w.ome,n are 2 tim.es more likely. to be _obese tha,n men and wo_men in t*he world. Liste.n, 107 mil.lion, or .1 in 5 ad,ults in our co-untry,, has cholester,ol levels ,above- 200 m-g/dL. If you have ,severe pai.n you m.ay be, given a st'rong painkiller,- such as mo'rphine,, straight a-way. Immunoth_erapy ulti.mately wo-rk,s in up to 80% of p'eopl*e with perennial. al-lergic rh_initis. Instead _of tu*rning to surg-ery to t_reat yo*ur erectile dysf+uncti*on, why not gi.ve nat+ural therap'y a try? .In some ca*ses, erectile dys_func'tion may be an- ear'ly signal of hear_t or blood v_ess'el disease. An+ allergy c-an ma*ke you snee.ze, itch,+ and whe'eze. Most peop-le wit*h asthma hav,e allergi,es. The number of _people- with asthm*a in .the USA has grow*n rapidl'y in ,recent years. W.atch out! Ob,esity incr-eases your r'isk o,f developing ag*e-rela_ted macular. degeneration- c*ataracts -& stroke. Cou,ld the next c.raze be, qui.te l'iterally, nu*ts? A' study conclud*ed that nuts l.ower _choleste,rol. The m,edicine you wil,l see -in this +letter has sav_ed my marriage. f,rom collapse! It'_s am'azing! Sexua_l life is 'something that m*ak+es us feel ha+ppy and ne.cessary. What,'s life with-out sex? ,It sometime.s takes t+ime and ca+re to 'get things- exactly righ+t when takin+g .pain relief med+ication. Let' your +doctor choose 'th+e most appropr,iate plan f'or you to g_et ri-d of those extra k.ilos of, fat. You sh'oul.d know all the ris.k factor,s to avoid, obes.ity! Learn- more now and l.ive long & h_ealthy lif.e! Keeping* excess -weight off' is esse_ntial for g.ood h,ealth and_ has nothing -to do with c,rash die,ts, dude. Not+ only a-dults're affecte*d by ch.olestero.l. Children' may also hav*e 'high cholesterol l'eve'ls. Each ye*ar people. spend huge .money on +diet consult,ants, bo-oks and pills, bu.t *only few -lose weight. Many p.eople bel.ie,ve that they 'should .put off us*ing strong painkill_ers for a's long as _possi_ble. Men +are ofte+n confused, and a littl_e embarrass.ed abou.t their very person,al hea-lth care iss+ues. Mor*e than 17 .million p.eople in the, USA *have asthm+a. Of these., almost 5 +million are c*hildren. You'r asthma *management p,la+n is supposed ,to inc,lude the medicati,ons use+d for+ quick rel_ief! Even if you h+ave no reas+on+s to get obese _like genet-ics or depres.sion, be +careful+ with your ca_lories!' Men withou't identi-ty and a *sense of purpose* of_ten develop s_eriou's masculine hea-lth problems+. Boys are* twice_ as likely t_o develop s'evere -asthma as gi-rls, but the _exa.ct reason is unkno+wn.+ If normal life fo-r yo*u means only +life withou,t alle'rgy, than .this medicat*ion is cre,ated for .you. Th+ere is no cure ,for asthma,, but t_he disease can_ be control*le,d in most patients* with ,good care. ,Failure *to achieve an er'ecti-on more th*an 50% *of the time, -indicates a ser.ious, health pr_oblem. You a_re a l.ucky man & we have' chos,en you to* try our most _effect'ive potenc'y booster! Most+ men wi*th impot*ence have+ underlying _physical co+nditio'ns such as d_iabetes or _depression. Estra,diol -Valerate Meno-pause, Hyste,rectomy, -Hormone Repla+cement Ma-legra D.XT (Sildenafil* ,+ Duloxetin_e) (sildenafil ci+trate, dulo-xetine,' viagra_, cymbalta*, yentreve) Famv_ir (F'amciclovir) Mec_lizine* [mecli+zine] (An_tivert, Bo_nine, Bonamine', Dramamine,- D-v.ert, Univert, _Vertin)+ Aspiration Pneu'moni,a amikac+ine nubeta Cloz,apine Sch*izophre*nia, Schi+zoaffectiv*e Disorder,, Psychosis Typho'id Fever -roxin Buspa*r (B*uspirone, *Ansial, An,siced, Anxi-ron, Axoren,* Bespar, +Buspimen, .Buspin'ol, Buspi_sal, Narol, Spitomi+n,' Sorbon) - Female Rx, Plus Oil x-anef Advai-r [advair] (Fl+uticasone/Sa'lmete'rol, Se,retide, Viani,* Adoair, ForA'ir,. advair diskus) -leuko_rrhea osteonate ,tramadol- urticaria *muscl'e spasms Ma_legra FXT (Si'ldenaf,il + Fluoxetine)* [s.ildenafil,fluoxetine] (s'ildenafil ci_trate, fl,uoxetine, v-iagra, prem,ature ejacu*la_tion, prozac, sara'fem) Retin-*A [re-tina] (T-retinoin, Avita, *Ren-ova, Aberela, R'etin, A, retin-a,, acne) de-sloratadine N,izoral *(Ketoconazole) I+nsomni'a voxam Com-bigan (brimo,nidine., timolol) Sy-nthroid [s'ynthroid]* (Levoth,yroxine, 'Eltroxin, Evotr.ox,* Thyrax, Euthyrox*, Levaxin, ,L+-thyroxine, ,Thyrox, Eutiro+x, Levoxy'l, le,vothroid) autism a+mpicill'in Niaspan [n'iaspan*] (vitamin .B3, nic'otinic acid,. niacin)_ Galvus Diabet_es, Blood S,ug+ar Lodine Os-teoarth'ritis, Rheumat.oid _Arthritis, Pain-, Joint Pa'in rinolan Fla_gyl (Met'ronidazole) + stroke* ris_k reduction Dia*mox Glauc-oma, Epilepsy,, B,enign Intr+acranial H-ypertensio*n, Altitude Sic_kness, Cy_stinuria, Du,ral +Ectasia,+ Fluid Retention Zo-c*or (Simvastat_in, Simlu*p, Simcar.dis, Ranzo+lont, Simvado_r)) car,duran Dogs- Brahmi [br+ahmi] Flonase +(Fluticas_one propion.ate, Flixona_se, Nasof-an, f,lomist) ramace- Potass+ium Citra+te (Urocit-K,) Norvasc ( -Amlo.dipine, Dailyvasc,. Istin, Pe'rivasc) 'androg_enic alopecia m_oxif,loxacin hyd*rochloride Cipr,o Inf,ections, Anti*biotic, Ur_inary 'Tract Infectio'ns, Cy,stitis, Pr,ostatitis,- Sinusitis,. Diarrhea, T-ypho'id Fever, G_onorrhea, P_yelonephriti-s ibufem. thyrox_ Sinequan (doxep-in, anten,, apona_l, deptra'n, Doneurin,, Doxal, Sinqu'an, .Doxederm, .Doxepin, Doxi-n, expan, gi*lex, mareen,, po,ldoxin, Qualiquan,, Quitaxon-, Sagalon, S_inepin, S*inquan, 'Spectra, Xe-pin, A-dapine) fl*uid rete,ntion Epivir (L*amivudin*e, Zef_fix, Heptov*ir) ocufen e.mtrici_tabine tran-q Tri'amcinolone_ Oral P+aste (Aristo+cort, Ken*alog, Tride+rm, tria.derm) Tonsilli-tis volta'rol sr Beni,car [benica_r]_ (Olmesartan' Medoxomil, Olm.et.ec) invega alb'ex vasodila+n amk -Xopenex (Levo-salbutamol,, levalbutero.l, Levolin) , v_ermox Arcox,ia (Etorico,xib, Alg-ix, Tauxib, pa_in) B*ael Risperd,al Sch_izophrenia, Bip+olar Disorder+, Antips_ychotic, Mani+a, S_chizoaffective *Disorder, A.utism., Tour.ette Syndrome,+ Ticks. Pamelor Depress_io-n, Nocturnal+ Enuresis, _Bedwetting 'Lukol , Weight Loss, Obes.ity, Ayu_rveda Serev-ent -[serevent] (sa.lmeter.ol) Blood. Pressure. Diltiazem HCL, (Cardi+zem, Altiazem, Tia*mate_, Tildiem, A'dizem, Viazem., Dil,atam, Dilze_m, Zandil,- Zemtrial., Diltelan) pro-state' enlargement* Cymbalt*a [cymba*lta] (Duloxetine, *Yentrev+e) cobalamin- O-phthacare Eye Dr,ops k_etorolac trome-thamine- Suregasm + Orgasm Enh_ancement gluco'trol xl h_erb.olax Vascula_r Disease d_etoxification+ sne,ezing caldecort Pro*p_ecia Hair Loss, M_ale Patter.n Baldness-, A-ndrogenetic. Alopec-ia cetirizine T+avist (.clemastine, mecl-astin, 'tavegil, t+avegyl) .Flexeril (Cycl*obenzapri'ne,* Apo-Cyclo'benzaprine, Fexmid,+ Amrix, m*uscle re'laxer', muscle re,laxant) vov_eran Anti,oxidant Osteop*orosis treatm+ent ena-tec Azor (aml-odipine,. olme.sartan) Spor+anox [_sporanox] (Itracon+azole, S+empera,+ Orungal, Itra-con, Isox, .Canditral-, Candi+stat) copegus -poor cir'culati'on narcolepsy_ myrac glys.et ro'vacor concorz F,lurb.iprofen Eye, Drops (Ocufen) in+fla_mmation Eryt,hromycin ,(Robimycin, E,-Mycin, E.E.S.. Granul.es, E..E.S.-200, E*.E.S.-400, E..E.S_.-400 Filmtab,_ Erymax_, Ery-Tab, Eryc,_ Ranbax*y, Erypar, 'EryPed, Eryp*ed 200, Ery_ped 400,, Erythro,cin Ste-arate Film.tab, Erythroc-ot, E-Base_, Erythro-ped, Il*osone, MY-_E, Pediamycin, Zine-ryt, A.bbot) Di*ges Tea .atopic dermati+tis Act_onel Oste'oporosis, Pa,get's D+isease Remeron_ [remeron-] (Mirtazapin*e, Avanza,* Axit, +Mirtazon*, Miro, M) Hyt.rin (Teraz'osin') Contracep.tion Virility ,Pills Cym.balta (Dulo_xetine, Y'ent.reve) Diabetes -ilimit +armour Viagra S+up*er Force Erecti'le Dys,function,* Male Enhanceme,nt, Erecti_on, Impot'ence lozol V_iag'ra Soft Tabs (S.ildena,fil citrate) nim+otop Ser.pina [serpina'] Athl*ete's* Foot Ginseng_ artrichine Fe+male +Rx Plus Oi*l osteoarthr_itis Irreg,ular _Periods Picrolax *Chlor-oquine Malar'ia, R_heumatoid Arth_riti's, Discoid Lu'pus Ery_thematosus a-lert caps '(sleep & relaxati+on aid) ci*profloxaci_n' marevan climanor +Dizziness +Intestinal, Blocka.ge Su'regasm [suregasm] s,ortis- Patanol (ol.opatadine,- Pataday, Opa'tanol*) plasil zipra,si.done Feminine Po*wer [feminine-power] Cor.d.arone [cordaron,e] (Am,iodarone) zol+eri rob+inaxol Enteritis_ Otiba_ct (bayt-ril, Enrofloxacin,- S'ilver Sulfadiazin-e) birth' control Blo+ating ,Incontinence+ prevention _of heart. attack
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