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Visita a POLENTA (Forlì)

Visita a POLENTA (Forlì)
ONORE A Giosuè Carducci.

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mercoledì 21 aprile 2010

Lates she breaks one in two, There's nothing so sm

Orrow and there's no such thing as age. I can be
the care-free schoolboy! I can play the lover, too! I can walk through
Maytime orchards with the old sweetheart I knew; I can dream the glad
dreams over, greet the old familiar friends In a land where there's no
parting and the laughter never ends. All the gladness life has given
from a grate fire I reclaim, And I'm sorry for the fellow who can only
see the flame.

THE KINDLY NEIGHBOR I have a kindly neighbor, one who stands Beside my
gate and chats with me awhile, Gives me the glory of his radiant smile
And comes at times to help with willing hands. No station high
or rank this man commands, He, too, must

trudge, as I, the long day's mile; And yet, devoid of pomp or gaudy
style, He has a worth exceeding stocks or lands. To him I go when

at my door, On him I lean when burdens come my way, Together oft we
talk our trials o'er And there is warmth in each good-night
we say. A kindly neighbor! Wars and strife shall end When man has made
the man next
door his friend.
THE TEARS EXPRESSIVE Death crossed his thresh

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