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domenica 12 febbraio 2012

Re: "Anche il migliore dei gentili dovrebbe essere ammazzato" - sì, carogne all'uncino abominevole, mostri fetenti lovecraftiani... sino a quando i "gentili" non si sveglieranno dal loro sonno catodico, rispedendovi negli abissi siderali

COLGO l'occasione di questo IMPORTANTISSIMO messaggio, per ricordare che:
a) Queste notizie girano ORA grazie al sistema informativo creato da INTERNET. b) Le rivolte nascono SEMPRe dopo l'acquisizione POPOLARE dei sistemi informativi usati in precedenza dal POTERE [Esempi: la diffusione della lettura dopo l'invenzione della stampa, e conseguente rivoluzione protestante nonchè devastanti guerre di religione. Ricordare che la lettura era prerogativa del CLERO che se ne serviva per i propri fini di potere. Infatti, chi voleva acculturarsi doveva farsi prete o frate. CON l'addentellato che era oBBLIGATO a non farne parte al POPOLO.Pena una fascina accesa sotto i piedi. Infatti, la giustificazione pretesca dei ROGHI di eretici era proprio questa: FATTI NOSTRI! Ciò vale anche per marrani e moriscos. In questo caso si trattava di persone che si erano convertite (?) al cattolicesimo, ma poi nei loro scritti inserivano ( più spesso che mai) tematiche di origine talmudica o coranica (Vedi mai che....Jacob Frank....)Un altro esempio interessante ed...esilarante...è costituito dal tentativo di "andare verso il popolo" attuato dal Vaticano secondo, con l'uso del VOLGARE al posto del LATINO durante il Rito sacrificale. Questo fatto, lungi dall'assecondare eventuali istanze populiste e di apostolato,è servito solo a TOGLIERE il VELO di MAGIA da certi riti per i più incomprensibili, ed ha allontanato, finalmente, milioni di "fedeli" da sacro Soglio, rimanendo soltanto l'aspetto spettacolare proprio di una religione tardoasiatica.]
c)Secondo Mc Luhan, il messaggio è il mezzo.O, al contrario,il mezzo è il messaggio nel VILLAGGIO GLOBALE.Intercambiabilita' molto chiara. Come dire: In principio era il verbo, la parola, la frase, o la pernacchia.
ECCO perchè almeno per il momento, è inutile ogni sospetto sulla circolazione di queste informazioni.Anche perchè il messaggio implicito nell'informazione travalica sempre e comunque eventuali SECONDI FINIdi coloro che avrebbero fatto circolare l'informazione stessa. GV.  

Da: Joe Fallisi <>
A:; bye bye uncle sam <>; Stefano Vernole <>; Edizioni all'insegna del Veltro <>; Giancarlo Chetoni <>;; Vincenzo Mannello <>;;; alessandro lattanzio <>; Ugo Gaudenzi <>; mario di mauro <>; Giorgio Vitali <>; " Barozzi" <>; GianMario Monaldo <>; " Iannelli" <>; " Fino" <>; " Belloni" <>; " Magliacane" <>; " Brizi" <>; " Linzalone" <>; Gian Pucciarelli <>; " Bianchi" <>; La Leva Di Archimede <>;; Domenico Longo <>; Luigi Pellini <>; Alfredo Villano <>;; Ubaldo Croce <>; Alessandro d'Esposito <>; Simone Camillo Marchino <>; Massimo Pietrangeli <>; Roberto Cozzolino <>;; Filippo Giannini <>; dott. Gianluca Strategia d'Impresa <>;; Alba Mediterranea <>; Ivan Ingrillì <>; David Rorro <>; Antonio Pantano <>; Luigi <>;
Inviato: Domenica 12 Febbraio 2012 4:31
Oggetto: "Anche il migliore dei gentili dovrebbe essere ammazzato" - sì, carogne all'uncino abominevole, mostri fetenti lovecraftiani... sino a quando i "gentili" non si sveglieranno dal loro sonno catodico, rispedendovi negli abissi siderali

"Even the Best of the Gentiles should be killed"

IF YOU'RE NEW to "the Jew Question" and blow it all off just because you think it's blind hate, stupid nonsense or insane "conspiracy theory;" you simply have got to at least ask yourself something: Why do people say all this about Jews in the first place?
No, seriously, why do you think so many people are now trying to get your attention if it was merely a matter of them looking funny, or having a weird religion? Even if they arrogantly tell everyone they are God's "Chosen" and the "Light upon Nations" — we could laugh all that off. Unfortunately, it's much more than that. Much more.
Why would someone like me have a website like this? I mean really: Why should I spend all this time and money? Trust me, my donation intake is a joke — I get about .0000000009 cents per word.* But I'm not the only one going to so much bother. Just look over on the left for a few other sites and blogs. Plenty of people are now putting two-and-two together and getting it about the stinking Jews!
It's because the real history of the Jews portends serious damn trouble, not only for the country of America, but for you personally and your children. This is no laughing matter, even though the bastards will make it out to be nothing but a big joke, just to keep you stupid and from coming for their trouble-making asses.

Murderous Jewry will not stop until they control the planet, even if we have to die by the millions or billions for their evil ambitions.

Long before the Jews finally took over Russia with the Bolshevik revolution of 1917, Jews were a criminal, exploitive capitalist class, or a politically disruptive and terrorist element. Be it capitalism, anarchism, marxism, bolshevism, socialism, communism, zionism, or whatever new "ISM" the imaginative and subversive Jews can come up with to justify themselves, Jews really only care about Jewry.
The Marxist Jew, Trotsky (real name Lev Bronstein), once lived for awhile in the US (New York of course) before the Red revolution. Wall Street Jew banker, Jacob H. Schiff, is said to have supported him in a Bronx flat (having one of the first refrigerators – a sign of riches back then) and would send over a chauffeured limousine to drive him to commie meetings and speechifying among "the proletariat."
BTW: Jacob Schiff was born in a house shared with the Rothschilds in Frankfurt-on-main, Germany. One can safely assume Schiff was in the orbit of International Jewry!
When Alexander Kerensky (a crypto-Jew and 33 degree Freemason named Aron Kurbis) took over Russia from abdicated Czar Nicholas Romanov II, Schiff loaded up Trotsky with 20 million in gold bullion (about 100 million today), chartered a ship for him and a hundred or so other greasy Jew revolutionaries to go to Sweden, then into Russia by train.
The ship was intercepted by Canadian authorities off Newfoundland, but International Jewry quickly dispatched the head of British intelligence in America, Sir William Wiseman, to smooth things out and get the commies back on their way again. Wiseman was close buds with the enigmatic Texan, "Colonel" Mandell House, confidential advisor to the ultimate "Shabbos Goy" president, Woodrow Wilson. House was also proved the author of the Globalist's wet dream, "Philip Dru: Administrator," an anonymous novel that touted the hidden agenda.

"Even the Best of the Gentiles should be killed."

–"Tob shebbe goyyim harog" from the Jewish Talmud Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10 (modern-day versions now substitute "heathens," go to link for explanation).
Wiseman and fellow Jew, Max Warburg (the Kaiser's Jew handler and intelligence chief), were behind the German execution of Edith Cavell, a decent and honorable English nurse who exposed the Jewish banker's game in a letter to the British magazineThe Nursing Mirror on April 15, 1915.
Edith Cavell: Globalist Jewry got her executed when she publicly blabbed about the rigged war profiteering game.
The Merchants of Death were using a false front (the Belgian Relief Commission) to channel thousands of tons of supplies into Germany – playing both sides for war profit (well-documented since then). Fearful of even more exposure from such a serious Goyim, the Jews had her arrested and eventually shot for helping soldiers escape back to Britain, even though pretty much nobody but hard-liner "Shabbos Goy" Germans and secret Jew Globalist agents wanted to kill the woman for such a reason (it usually only meant prison time).
Except for one long ago anti-Nazi propaganda film back in 1939, you might think today's Hollywood would jump all over doing a tear-jerking, feminist movie about a brave woman action hero fighting "The Man," starring Kate Winslet or Emma Thompson. What's that tell you?
Of course, the backstabbers cleverly used the woman's execution in anti-German war hysteria propaganda to enlist more British cannon fodder and America into the war, so the Jews would get the "Balfour declaration" – opening up Palestine to Jew invasion (creating the never-ending Mideast crap till this very day). After all that and the successful theft of Russia, Jewry rewarded Sir Wiseman with a lucrative partnership in the Jewish New York banking house of Kuhn, Loeb and company. Somethings never change.
Meanwhile, secret Masonic Jewboy Kerensky pulled a fast one on Mother Russia, slipping away to the frontlines as to allow the Bolshevik Jews to take over the reigns of power during the October revolution (he was an obvious Jew ringer). We're expected to believe he "barely escaped certain death." Right. Kerensky then went on to live the life of Riley in the US for the rest of his days. Another job well-done!

Just stop and think about rich, Capitalist Jewry from America's Wall Street, bankrolling and plotting with radical Commie Jews to take over Russia — killing millions.

Ever wonder why we rarely see anything about murderous communism in the media, but non-stop programming on Hitler and Nazis? It's because the stinking Jews own the GD media! What don't you get about that math, brainiac?
According to famed Russian writer and former Gulag prisoner, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the commies killed up to 66 million in the Soviet Union. In his last book (200 Years Together), he said the secret police was predominately Jewish and the Red revolution was Jewish. Of course, the book went unpublished in the US – Jews in the West can't have the American public knowing about this part of history. In an interview in 1984, Solzhenitsyn called the US a "province of Israel." He knew WTF was going on – hell, the man lived through it (right).
Much of what is called "The Holocaust" is actually well-deserved payback from local populations who suffered greatly at the hands of Jew commies for over 2 decades. The "industrial gassing" part is a giant Zionist fraud to make the West guilty so we support Israel and up the body count to the sacred 6 million number, allowing freaky Kabbalistic rabbis to say Israel's 1948 creation was all God's doing.
Look into it and you'll see plenty of pissed-off Ukrainians, Latvians, Hungarians and other people getting vengeful on the commie Jews. The Jews are very careful on the subject when it comes to the victimhood brainwashing of the West, because the wrong people just might start questioning why so many "non-Nazis" hated the Jews too.
In fact, more of us White Gentiles have died at the hands of Jewry than Jews by the Nazis, by far. Most of the original Bolsheviks were Jews. The most murderous of Stalin's henchman were Jews. The commie bastards shot and starved tens of millions of Russian Gentiles. Hell, it was even a Jew named Isaï (Israel) Davidovitch Berg, chief of the Moscow region NKVD, who invented the mobile gassing van to save money killing people (just like a Jew, huh?). Russians feared getting a visit by the "bread vans," as they called them.

Why do you think Germany so loved Hitler?

When Germany lost the Great War in 1918, International Jewry gave away much of the land and saddled the country with enormous debt. Like vultures, Jews flocked in from all over to pick on the carcass (just like they did to the American South after the civil war). Jew commies tried to take over Germany several times, while other greedy Jews raked in the money through bankruptcy, financial scams and milking people's weakness for any kind of vice.
Kind of like what's happening in America right at this exact moment, huh?
Note the 19th century socialist, Ferdinand "Lasalle." His real last name was the Jewish German "Lassal" (some say his name was "Wolfson"). Jews have known for quite some time people don't trust them — for good damn reason.
Jews don't really care about non-Jew deaths, but go absolutely bonkers whenever one of them get whacked. What the hell do you think is going on in the Mideast, fool?
Not long after 9/11, General Wesley Clark reported seeing a document in the Pentagon outlining all the countries America planned to bring down in five years. Besides Iraq and Afghanistan, the plan also targeted Libya, Syria and Iran. Ring any bells?
Madonna with Israel's president Shimon Peres. Doesn't this look sweet?
Folks, it's all part of the Jewry's "clash of civilizations" plan, so Israel can completely dominate the region, and expand to wherever they want (Eretz Israel). The Palestinians are living on borrowed time — you watch, the bloody Jews will massacre en masse those still there, while America gets distracted by something very big, like a murderous false flag the Jews engineered — Iran anyone?
This past Superbowl Sunday, Madonna (supposedly born Italian Catholic) finished her half-time extravaganza with a light show spelling out "WORLD PEACE." What a sorry laugh.
You think she might ever say something about the plight of the Palestinians, or what the war-mongering Zionists are doing to the world? Like hell no. The woman knows which side her butter is on; plus, she's into the "Kabbalah Centre," a satanistic New Age cult created by money-grubbing Jews to exploit foolish Hollywood saps and wannabee "Shabbos Goys."
Hypocrite multicult liberals of the West go along with the murderous Zionist Jews, simply because the spineless worms can't bear the thought of anyone calling them a Nazi!

Russia and Germany's problem came to America

America became "The New Jerusalem" for Ashkenazi Jew trouble-makers from Russia and eastern Europe. From the very moment we foolishly let these Jews immigrate here in the late 19th century, they have been nothing but never-ending trouble for this country – not only the lefties and commies, but also the supposed "conservative," yet obviously traitorous Zionist Neocon Jews, getting us into wars for Israel.
Never forget the real problem is NOT just Zionism, but Jewish racial arrogance, greed and inner hate for humanity — those they call the "Goyim."
The Jews know all this is true. And being Jews, they know these facts are dangerous to them. That's why they each work constantly to keep the majority of us "Goyim" stupid. Jewry all over takes great pains to manipulate history when possible, changing names and obscuring reality, no matter how long ago it took place.
A good example from above is Leon Frank Czolgosz, president McKinley's assassin, who they always make doubly sure to call a "Polish Catholic" anarchist. You can readily see right through the efforts Jews make to downplay Jewish crimes, like on Jew-infiltrated Wikipedia, telling us he was baptised as if that would drive home the point he wasn't a Jew!
Another good example is Nadezhda Mandelstam, where Wiki tells us "the family did not practice Judaism, and kept Russian Orthodox holidays." Wow, that ridiculously inane detail sure convinces me of Jewry's innocence.
Whether Leon Frank Czolgosz (curiously also known as "Frank Neimann"), was a "crypto-Jew" or really a Catholic Polish Gentile, his mind was most certainly twisted by the anarchist speeches and writings of the Jewess Emma Goldman, who was rightly suspected of hands-on collaboration in the assassination of McKinley.
Jews are more than willing to use assassination and murder to advance both their race and even individual greed. It wasn't Italian Catholics that made up "Murder, Inc." but psycho Jew Mobsters, of whom no one hears a thing.
Hell, we know for a fact Israeli Jews resort to MOSSAD assassinations, terror and false flag terror all the time (not just the absolute treachery of 9/11 mind you, but many other cases, including devious attacks on fellow Jews). They also love getting vengeful, feeling free to do war crimes (like using massive bombing and phosphor weapons on defenseless Palestinian populations for payback over pissant homemade rockets).
In fact, known Jewish anarchists killed King Umberto I of Italy; made a failed bombing attempt at Russian prime minister Peter Stolypin's home and later shot him dead at the Opera; made a failed street shooting attempt on Otto von Bismark in Germany; shot to death the Austrian minister-president Karl von Stürgkh in 1916.
As soon as they took over Hungary, murderous Jew buddies started killing people. Left to right, József Pogány (John Pepper), Sigismund Kanh and Bela Kun.
Since 1912, Jews made several assassination attempts on Hungarian minister-president, Stefan Tisza, until finally blowing him away in front of his wife on Halloween night, October 31, 1918 — paving the way for nightmarish, commie monsters under the Jew Bela Kun (Aron Cohen) to take over. Thousands of patriotic Hungarians soon died insanely brutal deaths over the next 133 days at the hands of fellow Jews like Tibor Szamuelly and his "Lenin boys."
One comrade of Bela Kun, József Pogány, controlled the country's ministry of education (real Jew name: Joseph Schwartz). The creep personally shot dead with his own two hands around 150, mostly defenseless old school teachers. Must be the Jew's favorite Goyim retirement program, eh?
Schwartz then traveled freely to the US using the odd Gentile-sounding name "John Pepper" (he probably got a laugh out of it) to help American commies get their act together and start the killing here. Moving on to the USSR, paranoid "Uncle Joe" Stalin eventually had him executed as a "trotskyite." Jewry today use such Soviet executions as "proof" of Russian anti-Semitism, when it was actually internecine JEWISH GANG WARFARE.
Whether they kill us or themselves, Jewry truly is one hellish, demonic force. Funny how the American public only hears about Hitler and the Nazis. Well, maybe it won't be so funny in the near future.

Traitor creeps are in your face — all over the place

Left, right or whatever BS politics they claim to espouse, Jews seemingly spend all their time causing social and geopolitical trouble everywhere. From manipulation of America's politics and brains, to traitorous war-mongering for Israel; from promoting immigration of non-Whites into our countries, to fostering White race guilt and divisions; from controlling the media so we don't get wise, to scamming us across the board; from brainwashing our youth to breed ourselves away, to abortion and radical feminism; or just pushing all sorts of sick, immoral crap in our face, like "recreational sex," unbelievably vile pornography, homos and insanely freaky transgenderism.
The stinking, lousy GD Jews are literally running America straight into the gutter!
They never work jobs requiring real, honest labor, always expect richly paid office work, just because they think they are smarter than us. The real truth of the matter is that they are totally race nepotistic, get all kinds of promotions and funding by other Jews everywhere. As a race, they go after any businesses that can profit from having jobs outsourced overseas, or pay illegals and H1B visa holders peanuts. They have long understood the power of mass media and specifically targeted our media for takeover to keep the White race in the dark.
But their semi-hidden big money people (Rothschilds, etc.) know the whole financial house of cards viz-a-viz the dollar and the nation's wildly ballooning debt will soon come to a crashing end because of the math alone. They have long understood the only way out of the mess was to do what they did to Christian Russia; so expect a murderous commie-style Jewish Police State in the future. They will try to imprison and execute not only those already awakened to the Jew (like me), but any true American patriot who dares to fight back!
The selfish, arrogant hypocrites are never, ever going to stop until the White race is completely turned into a spat-upon minority, they have their long-sought after NWO Global empire and everything belongs to them outright. At some point, they'll start fighting among each other for the spoils and millions of us non-Jews will die in even more Jew-instigated wars and purposeful, genocidal starvation.
This racial effort by the Jews — masquerading as political movements — eventually ended up in utter death and destruction across the planet — Russia, Germany and eastern Europe. Copy-cat murderous dictators soon used Jewish communism to slay millions in China, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia and Africa.
It now appears America will soon join the list of satanic Jewry's corpse-littered, blackened path of human misery…

…consider yourselves FOREWARNED.

– Phillip Marlowe


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