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ONORE A Giosuè Carducci.

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martedì 31 maggio 2011

Pretech Limited!

Dear Sir/Madam,
My Name is Duncan Donald  and I work for Pretech Limited, a company based in Ontario, Canada. I got your contact information from the Chamber of Commerce because I have a business proposal which will benefit both of us.     I will give you a brief overview on the proposal. We request that you act as an intermediary agent/supplier to my company. This will bridge the gap between the sellers/producers and the buyers (my company). In so doing, this will yield high dividends for both of us. However, I need your co-operation to make this business opportunity a success. My company forbids me or anyone around or related to me from profiting in any purchases made by our company. (Conflict of interest).
I will secure a supply contract deal for you as our supplier of a product called SOI Sodium on Insulator. This product is currently being sold by a company in Hong Kong at a Stipulated price  per carton and can be sold to my company at double the price  per carton.  I  have enormous influence over our company's purchasing manager therefore getting him to sign off and pay for the product at your fixed price is not a problem. The demand for the product is very high. Basically what you are doing is to purchase this product from Hong Kong at a relatively low price and sell it to my company at a marked up price and the profit margin will be shared between us. Get back to me as soon as you receive my email so that I can give you more details on the transaction.
Note: It is you that will determine the place where the transaction will be done and my company shall go there for the purchasing of the product from you.
Best regards,
Duncan Donald

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