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Visita a POLENTA (Forlì)

Visita a POLENTA (Forlì)
ONORE A Giosuè Carducci.

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sabato 8 gennaio 2011

Dear Farmer,


I wish to inform you that the United Nations Organization is giving out
Loans to Farmers/Producers/Manufacturers in the Agricultural Sector with a
programme titled "Food For All".This Loan programme which is being
sponsored by the United Nations U.S.A and the United Nations U.K is aimed
at improving productivity in the Agricultural Sector,improving the
standard of living and poverty eradication around the world.

If you belong to the above mentioned sector,apply now and stand a chance
of getting loans within the range of £10,000.000 - £500,000.00. You are
entitled to zero percent interest(0%) and you can pay back at any
comfortable date of yours within Five years(5years).For more information
and application,contact our marketing agent below;

Name:Edward South
Tel: +1501 291 4649
Fax: +1501 325 5689

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