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Visita a POLENTA (Forlì)

Visita a POLENTA (Forlì)
ONORE A Giosuè Carducci.

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giovedì 16 dicembre 2010



I hope this message finds you well. Compliments of the season.I ask for your assistance for the transfer of $2.5 million to your account. I am a member of the debt recovery team(Spain liason office).

We have discovered an over-invoiced contract with an excess of $2.5 million and my team have resolved to move the cash out of Spain and to a reliable partner. I was assigned to get someone we can rely on to receive this cash for us.

We are going to work in line with all money transfer international laws and on terms that will be favourable to you. It can be done before the year runs out. Please send me your full names, address and phone number so i can call and give you details. I look forward to hearing from you.

I'm waiting your swift respond, My private email address is,
Thank Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Barnabas Cameron

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